Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nilai Jati Diri yang sebenar di mana?

Layak kah kita hidup gembira, senang lenang...sedangkan saudara kita menderita?
Kita cakap,
“Ya Allah, janganlah matikan aku lagi, kerana aku tak punya banyak amalan lagi, aku tak bersedia”
Apakah kita walk that talk?
Kita sedar buat seketika. Tapi, kesedaran itu lenyap, kerana kita melihat dan memeluk apa yang lebih daripada diri kita.
Kita sedar kembali apabila kita melihat sesuatu yang kurang daripada kita.
Kita sedar kita pemimpin.
Kita nak ubah orang lain dan ubah dunia.
Kadang kadang, kita dah yakin untuk bergerak, bertindak tp kita tak perasan yang kita  pun banyak kekurangan.
Mungkin kita tak ada common sense, 
mungkin kita tidak embrace Islam betul2, mungkin kita kurang jati diri tentang hakikat bahawa kita ialah orang Islam dan seorang manusia yang harusnya menjadi pemimpin. Kita mungkin hanya memiliki jati diri in terms of " I like my true-self as how my image gives ppl's impression about me. "
Kita mungkin tiada jati diri yang sebenar-benarnya bahawa Allah is the only God and Rasulullah is the massenger of Allah.
Kita mungkin  kurang iman...kita lalai...
Di mana kita..

Thursday, October 9, 2014

When Negative Charge meets Postivie Charge

Ok, satu ayat apabila seseorang tu dah lama tinggalkan website dia;

blog dah berhabuk..


Never mind, as usual, mengikut sejarah hidup aku, once kesedihan or something bad melanda, this is the place that I tend to pour everything. 

Well, I will be starting my new life in a new educational institution, and eventually I will attend my longing-for course which was used to be my dream. From biology major, to physic major. After all, before this, all scholarships that I had applied were in engineering course except for this one- I chose the general course which is Science course...und I was fated to be in that Science course.

BUT, now....
the path has changed...
and it turned back to be the course that once I, with full of determination, tried to apply for.
is that grammar ok?

But I believe, this new path of mine would be better, and there are many things that can be learnt, so many weh. 
...and of course, at the new place I can 'blog' more.

'Nichts tut fur immer weh"

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Language - Sprache - ランゲージ - ภาษา - لغة - Bahasa

Assalamualaikuma and hye.

People's interests are easy to change.
Let's ponder on the map, the map of the world.

Demo kokoro no naka subete wo totemo sutei kirenai

Look at east, west, north and south.
There are many boundaries; the borders and the ocean itself.
Within the borders, there are people, people who speak the same language although they are having some kind of different groups or races. Well, they share the same land and they are under the same flag.

Emphasizing about the languages.
In some places, even one line border could make a big different between the languages for the side-by-side countries.
For example; between Thai language and Malay language, Yeah.

That's why. it made me thinks that if we pore every countries on the map over and try to detect what kind of language they speak and try to learn it, it would be like 'wow!!!'

Of course, fortunately this lead to TOK (Theory of Knowledge).
To what extent does the languages would be differed from one country to another nearby countries?
What make those languages different from each others? would be more terrific if we could identify the mother language where, where the language originated from.

German and Persian, their languages are been said resembles with Arabic.
And I got to know that English also resembles with Germany.
A few of Arabic words also can be detect in Japanese like Anata which means you. In Arabic would be Anta. Actually I only know that one resemblance only but then, I am sure that there would be several more.

However, the thing here is, it must be having some kind of relations, I am sure of that.

People's interests are easy to change.
Why did I say that?
Well, I fall in love in Germany language now.
Now, 1 more language is added in my mind.
There are many...many languages that I wish I would be able to communicate in.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bagaimana nak install Whats app dalam PC/Komputer tercinta anda?

Hye assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..
It was a nice day to have success in downloading whats app on PC!!! (after plenty of failed attempts)

1. Mula-mula, korang kene download torrent downloader.
For example, iLivid. Keuntungan dalam men'download' melalui torrent ialah even masa kita tutup laptop pun progress download masih boleh berjalan dengan syarat adanya internet.
Download iLivid software dulu. * Ilivid ni optional sebab file whatsapp nanti kecik jer. Tapi, sekiranya internet lembab, torrent adalah digalakkan. =]

2. And then you can google for 'torrent whats app for pc free download'
Or korang boleh download kat sini

Mungkin kalau korang download sesetengah link ada yang corrupt bagai.
Cubalah link lain pulak hihoho (agak jenuhlah sedikit)
Tapi Alhamdulillah, aku berjaya download guna link kat atas tu. =]

Link kat atas tu dalam bentuk zip. So, kita kene extractkan file and allow the computer to make changes in the installation of Bluestack after double click on it. Yeah. Bluestack.

Installation process ni ambil masa yang lama sedikit.
Memang korang akan ponder sedikit kerana nama file ialah whatsapp, tetapi yang di'install' ialah Bluestacks. Bluestacks ni sistem Android lah macam tetapi untuk pc.

3. Setelah selesai, search for the app whats app dalam enjin carian Bluestack tu.
Install lah akan ia!
Kalau tak nak install yang tu, just google and find 'free whats app apk download' and then install it. Automatik dia akan masuk lam Bluestack itu.
Tetapi, aku sarankan just cari dalam Bluestacks tu
Kadang-kadang dia akan keluar adjust time and date, baru boleh masuk. Jangan pedulikan kata-kata nista itu.
Terus uninstall whats app yang itu (bukan bluestack) tu dekat section manage application(setting).
And then re-install balik melalui carian bluestack. =] In shaaa Allah berjaya.

Untuk whatsapp, yang kita install ni adalah trial untuk 2 bulan je. Lebih kurang 1 dolar untuk setahun.
Bagi aku, aku rela bayar.
If tak nak bayar, bila tamat 2 bulan, remove application whatsapp dan download balik dekat Bluestacks tu, cuma previous conversation tak boleh nak retrieve.

4. And then, you can enjoy dengan benda-benda alah ni. Dengan menggunakan Bluestacks, bukan whats app je boleh download, flipboard, Banana kong, Instagram, etc pun boleh digunakan! Yihhiii!!!!

Kelebihan whats app dekat pc ialah dapat mengelakkan diri daripada lalai bermain dengan kata-kata yang tidak berfaedah sepanjang masa dengan adik-beradik dan rakan rakan.

I meant; laptop kan besar. Apatah lagi monitor tu. Berbeza ngan smartphone or tablet yang kecik-kecik itu. So, quite not portable la kalu laptop and monitor. Lol...laptop is portable indeed. But, hai...quite complicated kan nak main whats app lam laptop sambil berjalan.

Kita pun akan bukak PC pada waktu yang perlu je kan.
Lagipun bukan semua phone ade pakai line internet kan,
Mungkin korang ada dongle. So, korang boleh connect ngan internet melalui laptop jer.
Sedangkan whats app tu ada masanya penting untuk pemberitahuan sesuatu maklumat an.
So, software whats app for pc ni sangat keren!!!

 Wassalam...selamat berjaya!