Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My place doesn't have fireworks to celebrate the birth of figure 2 0 1 4

Lol..I love that yellow one! haha
 To celebrate new year, it is no need to be in the crowd, and screaming out loud whenever it comes to the 12 seconds of countdown towards 1 Jan of 2014. It is worthless. Hehe. Sorry guys.

Why Muslims in my country and in some others highlight the new year of Gregorian calendar more rather than Hijrah's one? Uuuu...are us being doctrined?

Even myself always do forgot Hijriah calendar.

That is why I decided to be always stick onto my planner. That is one of my resolutions. That terrific planner have Hijriah calendar! May us always remember our 1435 Hijriah calendar! In shaaa Allah.

As a student, I wish I would prepare first by doing some poring-over study before going to the class.
It is terrible to struggle in the last-minute and have very leisure time at the beginning. Erk. I did that on previous time and I got 'misery'. (metaphor) Also, having study last-minute means that we are doing that because to get high score. It's wrong because it brings insincerity.
Try to be sincere in doing anything good! Then, we would be always calm. No stress. I want that, absolutely, indeed, yeah *nod

Yeah, talking about sincerity, we must be enthusiast in doing anything.
I got a friend. She always got that enthusiasm whenever she doing something...
I am impressed and wishing for that kind of attitude too. *envy mood
Thus, I have to be enthusiast too, so that the things would be end perfectly(most)!

I have more...but there once is a quote:

Demo kokoro no naka subete wo totemo tsutaekirenai!

Not everything in my heart, I could tell you =]

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do listen to the others, even though they are not best friend of yours!!!

When the idea come, it's nice to be written down....before it is forgotten.

Hye, Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
I am hoping you all are having an another nice good day.
Can you count, how many times you sneeze today?
Say Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, the Almighty Creator...then.

"Do not try to make me impress on you because I always see the awesomeness in you"

What is prejudice?
Let make it easy and clear..it is just like having judgment or bias to someone or things, and it can be related to discrimination.

I do not know whether are there still people who not judgmental to the others these days.
When the judgmental start, the discrimination is started as well (although when there are some who pretends that they are not)

Usually when there are certain things that we do not like or something which do not met our taste, we tend to be judgmental to those who have them.

For example; to those who believe that Muslims are terrorist, they will be prejudice to any Muslim they met even though that Muslim is totally not a terrorist. (Above all, Muslims are not even terrorist).

Even for some Muslims, some of them are prejudice to those who do not practice what Islam has taught.
It is wrong to do that, we have to befriended with that kind of people, and use some appropriate ways to bring them towards the right path. Not all people can be taught with serious lecture. Advice must be given to them after heart-to-heart talk.

 There were many times, I gave my opinions to my colleague or my schoolmate. It was such a pain to have my opinion to be rejected whilst the others who spoke the same idea as mine were accepted.
It did get on my nerves. However, it was hard for me to mad at them. I just keep those turbulence of angers in my heart.

It does made me think that they are prejudice on me. I do not know what is the cause.
It is terrible for me because from those incidents, I 'learnt' that I have to be quiet whenever there are discussions. What I need to do is just nod and if I am disagree, I just have to keep it 'save' in this body.

I know...it is totally wrong. I do not need to nod and agree in everything. Instead, I have to stand up the right things. Yea, we are not always right but then, if we see or know something that is wrong, we have to, we have to (because it is our responsible) to change it!

In Islam, there is no difference in people...people are all the same. What make people different is our level of Iman towards the Almighty.

To not let the others discriminate, we ourselves has to diminish those discrimination thoughts. Do treat people equally. However, when it comes to Ajnabi relationship, syariat must be totally considered.

Also, we have to be ourselves, which means we are confident in what we are doing. Always brave to do something that you are capable with. It is a great opportunity that you are capable in doing certain things, so grab the chance to do it confidently.

I am sure that there are some people out there who are trying hard to make people impress to him or her.
Maybe she or he wants to destroy the underestimation of people towards him or her...
or maybe to make people treat him or her equally with others..or
to show to the world that he or she is awesome people.

In other words, he or she is not being her/himself.
Friends, do pour your true self....

  • laugh the way like you laugh with your siblings (certain occasion only),
  • Say 'no' (in such appropriate ways) to things that you are really not disagree.
  • Doctrine yourself  'It is my responsible to do the right things and it is such a relief to pour those out!' - replace 'right things' like 'giving lecture', etc.
  • Always happy in doing anything...say Alhamdulillah!
  • Doctrine yourself that you have to go on living no matter what happen. let bygone be gone! 
  • Do the best in present (now).
  • Always read book or watch movies that could trigger our 'motivation valve in our vessel'. (I recommend you to learn about Umar al-Khattab and Muhammad al-Fateh)

"Do not try to make me impress on you because I always see the awesomeness in you"
That was what I  meant.

It is better to be unrecognized by people.

Use what you have(Your ability/talent) to get HIS love....HIS redha...


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Having the sights of Parabolas

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Parabola shape is seen as the waves begin their task...eh?

Semua orang duk gempar sal peristiwa ikan melompat dekat Lahad Datu.
Lepas itu, datang pulak khabar angin bahawa concentration ikan dan lain-lain makhluk laut tinggi dekat pelantar minyak di pesisiran negeri Terengganu.
Lepas itu, datang satu lagi retweet yang mengatakan bahawa satu Jabatan Tsunami di Jepun memberi amaran Tsunami 36 Jam di Lahad Datu dan Labuan...eh..Labuan dan Lahad Datu barat dan timur (respectively) Sabah kut! Akan tetapi, kenyataan itu disangkal sendiri oleh Jabatan dari Jepun berkenaan. Katanya, pihak mereka tidak pernah mengeluarkan amaran sedemikian. Sila lihat akhbar nst.

Apa-apa pun peristiwa ikan di Lahad Datu itu betul dan telah menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi oleh penduduk di situ serta warga Malaysia sendiri. Penduduk pesisir pantai mula menggelabah.

Apa-apa pun, Allah maha berkuasa...dan kita kene teruskan beribadah pada Allah, no matter what happen. Ya Allah!

Nauzubillah daripada tulang patah
Sebelum berita-berita tersebut deketahui, aku sudah pun pergi ke pantai walaupun musim tengkujuh cam gini. Tetapi, musim tengkujuh dah reda. Cerah dan panas tidak...agak mendung la. Ombak still agak besar menyebabkan splashnya dekat  batu-batu agak besar. Cantek. SubhanaAllah :]

Seeing the sight of big parabola-shaped waves hit the rocks there, I wished that I had the DSLR on that time. You know, how the splash was...so beautiful! The momentum may be so great. SubhanaaAllah.
Since I have no DSLR on that time, I balik rumah yang hanya 2 Kilometer dari pantai.

Bersyarah dengan ombak eh  #resemblance
And today! Wauyyyyawwwa!! Dengan izin Allah, pagi-pagi buta lagi kami berjaya turun pantai sekali lagi, menaiki kereta yang dipandu oleh aboh.

Erk, sebenarnya, aku dah lama pleaded ayah aku nak pi pantai amik gambar, hari ni baru boleh, sempat. Ingat nak ambil sun rising, but hari ni mendung. :]

Pantai Tok Jembal

Agak takut lah bila aku tengok ombak-ombak besar ni. Fikir bukan-bukan aku nih!
Best tengok ombak-ombak ni, menikmati suasana ni, boleh tenggelam dalam dunia jiwang...ceh! Haptuih!

What I was thinking, cantiknya...sambil air ombak terpercik kat kami. Once, aku pernah cakap camni;

"Kalau kita pergi straight terus (belayar) kat tengah ni (laut), mesti sampai Jepun"

"Eh, Jepun bukan ke kat atas ke?"

"Eh....sampai US lah kalau gitu"

Semalam aku tengok peta, rupanya Terengganu satu line saja dengan Labuan (mata kasar) hoho
(Semalam aku fikir bukan-bukan,entah apa-apa, Tampar kang!)


Seriously, dunia sekarang semakin aneh. 

Malaysia banjir, England banjir, ikan naik ke darat, salji turun di sebuah negara yang duduk di khatulistiwa.

...dan  memang, bumi ini pun dah sangat tua. Zaman nabi Muhammad S.A.W pun, bumi sudah dikatakan tua. Tambah pulak 1400+ tahun lagi.

Selamat tinggal 2013...
2013...tahun aku masuk UM dan seterusnya KMB...
Di sini banyak apa yang aku belajar, Alhamdulillah

Tuntutlah ilmu sampai mati!!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

ILMU ----- medium ke arah mengembalikan Islam ke seluruh dunia (salah satu la)

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..

Tadi, aku baru sahaja buat bacaan pasal serangan ke atas orang Kristian yang menyambut Krismas oleh orang Iraq.


Kebanyakan yang komen macam 'condemn' Islam dan menganggap orang Islam ini sebagai ekstremis.
Agak sedih, membaca kata-kata nista itu.

Pertama-Sesuatu berita itu susah untuk mengetahui kesahihannya dek kerana ramai pihak yanng seringkali kita dengar, suka memanipulasikan maklumat, membelitkan fakta. Itulah yang seringkali berlaku, bukan? Itulah dunia zaman sekarang. Betulkah macam tu je kejadian tu berlaku? WaAllahua'lam.

Kedua-Bukan semua orang Islam baik dan sempurna. Ada saja yang masih lagi jahil, yang banyak kekurangan dari segi ilmu, Islam sekadar atas nama, dan sebagainya lagi. Kalau ikutkan nafsu(jahat), binasalah orang itu. Nauzubillah. Ya, Muslim, mungkin ada yang ekstremis. Apakah fahaman orang-orang yang ekstrem itu?
Sesungguhnya, Islam mengajar supaya menghormati individu-individu yang beragama bukan Islam.

Aku tidak suka bila ada yang mengatakan Muslim itu pengganas. Fakta diputarbelitkan untuk menampakkan orang Islam itu adalah pengganas, sedangkan diorang yang ganas!
Duduklah dekat Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia...orang yang kuat agama tidak ada pun menunjukkan keganasan sama ada dari luar apatah dari dalam...macam mana tu.

Siapa yang menghancurkan Nagasaki dan Hiroshima pada satu ketika dulu?
Siapa yang melepaskan bomb kimia?
Siapa yang entah apa-apa pergi pukul, tembak budak-budak kecil dekat Palestin?

Memang betullah, kata-kata ini; yang buruk nampak, yang baik tak nampak (I dont know the actual idiom, huhu)

Muslim di Asia Tenggara, kebanyakannya masih aman secara fizikalnya. Alhamdulillah. Tetapi bagaimana pula dari segi dalamannya? Kita tak kuat dari segi dalaman, semua. Allah S.W.T mengurniakan suasana aman dekat kita tetapi, kita lalai dengan ujian tu; Solat tidak punctual, lalai dengan hiburan, mementingkan ilmu dunia hingga lalai pada amalan yang membawa kebahagiaan di akhirat sana.

Dunia yang fana ini bukanlah untuk orang Islam.

Jom semua!
Jom kita tegakkan Islam dengan berjihad dalam Ilmu!!
Belajarlah untuk disayangi oleh Allah!
Belajar untuk mendapat Redha dan Cinta-Nya!
Bersungguh-sungguh belajar supaya dapat kita memberi sumbangan!

#rindu bahasa arab.

Semua insan diuji..orang yang berkata-kata itu juga akan diuji dengan kata-katanya itu.
Apakah boleh kata-kata itu dibuktikan melalui 'action'?

In shaaa Allah boleh!


aiii..banyaknya kekurangan aku...saudara-saudari semua, if aku ada salah silap, tolonglah ampunkan aku dan tegurlah aku, in shaaa Allah aku boleh menerimanya. Jangan cakap belakang deh. Aku pun tak nak mengumpat dan diumpat. Bahaya.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Video Editting Software [review]



Have you ever eager to make beautiful video, but on your computer, there is only Window Movie Maker as the option? errk.

But then, if you are truly a critical thinker, you might be able to produced such terrific video despite of using Window Movie Maker aka WMM.

I used to make video by using

Window Movie Maker
Cyberlink Power Director
Movavi Video Editor

Window Movie Maker doesnt have so much effect options and those effects cannot have the alteration except for the time duration. The same goes with its transitions.

This WMM is the first sweetheart I used in video making. The first video was Only Human, the theme song of 1 Litre of tears. I trimmed  videos from drama of 1 litre of tears and made it with Only Human song. If you are going to make such fan vid, maybe the simple one, you can just use WMM. So do with slide shows.

Cyberlink Power Director is quite awesome. More features! It has effect which can be layered on the video. Also,  videos can be mixed together, side by side. This programme also could be used in the subtitle making.
The efffect like zoom could be altered, more than duration setting!

iMovie? Awesome! It is a default programme in apple Mac. Available for iOS only...urghh.
I thought, this programme is just like WMM since it is the default one.
But then, I realised, this one is being used by Ryan Higa in video making.
The effects are.....so much!
Those who tends to make terrific video, I recommend you use this video editting software.
We could use the leakage effect in this programme. My favorite effect.
This programme, I vote for 5 stars...

Movavi is the programme which just like iMovie but then, it is for windows OS. Dont expect the features would be the same with iMovie.  This programme has less feauture, compared to iMovie.
I am using that now.  It is quite awesome.
But then, I have to increase the computer RAM.

Adobe after effect is the most awesome. But, I never used that software. eh.

Anyway...do your best in making any works!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Montage lover??? hahahaaaahhhh!!!

Hye people..sihat?

What is montage?
We talk this in the term of film making. Okay?
Wikipedia said, montage is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information.

It is used for trailer, movie or  drama opening...or maybe for introduction video for corporate things.
I love to see the epic montage, and I tend to make one.

The montage of our life in KMB...haha.
When I listen to my favorite song, I will create my own montage in my mind.
The names of my friends' and mine, with different expression of face.
The mood of video also must be considered, cheerful way or such dark ways.
Also, the things we do to survive in IB.
It's just like the story in the video clip, Music Video.

That is why I also love to see Music video, how did they make the features in the video.

Now, I really want to do montage with background song of Albinoni Adagio G minor (I miss you version)
and Demi Cinta Suci by UNIC.

Such good video software is really needed though.

"with the background music of blabla,
the narrator is saying that
 "this life...the hardship...friendship...love...faith...Islam...muslim...this world..human's role on this earth...back to our main concern...etc"
Let us express this through media. Make it epic!

They make montage about love between male and female.
Maybe we can make the montage about Muslim, Muhasabah, etc

#Muhammad al-Fateh-it must be full of motivation for those who watch the montage about him.


Saiko means TERRIFIC!!!

Assalamualaikum and hye people.

I always wonder, those cheerful people, are they having beautiful life? Do they have any problems to deal with? It seems not!
I always think that I am a person who have the misery...always having tears pouring down on my cheeks.
People said that this life is just like a wheel, sometimes it would be above, and sometimes, it would be at the bottom (literally translated). Even for those happy people. But, yet I cannot truly believe it until...

"It's a convenience to look at you, always smiling. =D "

That was my friend's. Her words made me ponder.
Yeah...I have problems, but people don't see me as a 'moody' person.
Even myself, I dont believe that I am that cheerful.
This made me
Those cheerful people...hye!! :)

You know what...I am in the process, process of healing.
I am not insane of course.
Just personality disorder.
Alhamdulillah, with Allah wills, I am changing.
More confident! More towards my true self.

But right now, even to my classmates, I think I am little bit cold.
This made me

There are reasons. hmmmm.
But then,
I want to treat people equal.
I meant, I dont want to discriminate people.
To girls, to boys....it must be equally treat. (Batas tu still ada lar, ohohoii)

My high school life and my pre-university life....
I like the second one more.
I think I am more in being human there.
and I am sad when looking at my schoolmates from previous school (not all)
I still love the memories we have created there, those best friends of mine. Those are sweet memories.
But the others....hmmm.

It's because of me...I used to be the 'other person'.
Not myself.

It's terrifi isnt it? SAIKO!!!!

NOTE: this post have subliminal message muahaha
p/s : that SAIKO word from Japan Language. Do not know the actuall spelling though..hihi

Monday, December 2, 2013

Apa itu "BERJIMBA"

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...
Alhamdulillah, aku dapat menulis kat blog ni sekali lagi.

Can you define, what is JIMBA or berjimba? Define it with your understanding.
As for me, it;s just like; having the fun. 
Ape citer? well. Budak homesick...time exam, ada jugak fikir sal nak balik umah cepat-cepat!! After exam sem 1,  which is now, we are doing TOK. I am at Mizah's.
We would say "berjimba kat rumah Mizah!!!" then.

It's kinda tiring, because we had JPAM camp before TOK 'holiday'. I was set in my mind that when do things, they must be done with enthusiasm! I tried. That's why aku cuba juga menggulung paip bomba tu. Ada sebahagian daripada kitorang yang cam tak nak buat. Tali jugak aku....erkkk,..bolehla. 
The most happy time in JPAM was our FOXTROT is the winner for the SHOW!

I was playing as an ignorant people, having stress with people in KTM. However, I dunno whether that part of mine played big role for that show to win...haha lol.

Mizah is driving...gonna actually

Sab and Hajar...hmmm..my phone is Samsung Ace plus

Staying at Mizah's house is great, especially when it comes to food...!!! Hehe.
Seee??? How 'berjimba' are we???? TOK would be tomorrow err..

K...stop here...waAllua'lam...